The C-ROADS Climate Change Policy Simulator
C-ROADS is a free, award-winning computer simulator that helps people understand the long-term climate impacts of national and regional greenhouse gas emissions reductions at the global level.
Explore C-ROADS ❯What is C-ROADS?
C-ROADS is an online policy simulator that allows users to test and visualize the long-term impacts of climate strategies across distinct regional groups. The C-ROADS Simulator has helped the world to understand the impact of the emission reduction pledges countries have proposed to the United Nations. These proposals take different forms with different reduction rates and target years, however, using C-ROADS we can rapidly test policies to determine whether collectively they are enough to stabilize temperature below 2°C. C-ROADS is made available for free to make insights about what it takes to address climate change more accessible.
Climate Interactive, MIT, Ventana Systems, and UML Climate Change Initiative collaborated to develop the C-ROADS Simulator. The name C-ROADS stands for “Climate Rapid Overview and Decision Support” simulator. The model was reviewed by an external scientific review committee, chaired by Sir Robert Watson, former Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The reviewers recommended C-ROADS for widespread use, which can be explored in a summary of their review.