Thank you for registering your World Climate event!
Event registration helps us track how our tools are being used around the world so that we can share our contributions with you, our funders, and the larger community we are a part of.
We love to see photos and have blog posts from events! Please email us at if you can share anything, or you can post it online and tag us with @ClimateInteract on Twitter and use #WorldClimate.
For questions and support, please visit to find our User Forum and Knowledge Base, which are great resources for connecting with other facilitators and reviewing frequently asked questions.
For educators interested in helping with research on the learning outcomes from the World Climate Simulation, fill out this Educator Form to participate.
Be sure to check out our Event Calendar for events, trainings, and webinars. If you register an upcoming public event, we may also feature it here.
We also have an online World Climate community for you to share your own experiences and network with other facilitators. Feel free to join the Facebook group or share about the event on Twitter and tag us using @ClimateInteract and @WorldClimate.
Additionally, you might also be interested in exploring our latest En-ROADS climate solutions simulator and the suite of free online tools for climate engagement and curriculum.
Thank you again for registering the event!