The Climate Leader
The Climate Leader is an introductory training series in systems thinking to help fuel the global response to climate change. This series will help you to be more effective at addressing climate change by enabling you to see the interconnections and big picture in your work. Sign up here.
Juliette Rooney-Varga discusses climate change, biology, and systems thinking, from iBiology
Climate Interactive partner and Director of University of Massachusetts Lowell Climate Change Initiative Dr. Juliette Rooney-Varga demonstrates how systems thinking can help us better understand climate change.
John Sterman at Climate Colab
Climate Interactive member and MIT Professor John Sterman on the implications of big data and simulation models for climate change action. His portion of the video begins at 7:30.
Beth Sawin on Innovate Podcast
Climate Interactive Co-Director Beth Sawin on the potential of systems thinking to change the world
John Sterman: Simulations and climate change
MIT professor and Climate Interactive team member, John Sterman, explains how using simulation models can help policymakers address climate change
“A Banquet of Consequences”
Part 1 of a lecture by Dr. John Sterman of MIT’s Sloan School of Management, hosted by MIT’s System Design and Management Program. View part 2 here
Green Monday/Andrew P. Jones
Drew Jones discusses using models to communicate sustainability for the Blue Ridge Sustainability Institute in Asheville, North Carolina, USA.
Home Carbon Footprint Story
The story of one family’s efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and energy use, plus a systems thinking perspective on how one family’s actions can matter.
Drew Jones — Carrying Our Trash
Drew Jones on carrying our trash and simulating the climate. (Here is Dana Meadows’ column on the same “Carry Your Trash” experience).