Copenhagen's new parks build community green space while protecting from floods

February 5, 2016 by Shanna Edberg

Rather than opting for "gray infrastructure" solutions to flooding, such as building new pipes to handle heavy rainfall, Copenhagen is ...

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"Bicycle autobahn" will connect Germany with a system of 100km of dedicated bike routes

February 2, 2016 by Stephanie McCauley

Recently, Germany opened the first 5 kilometers of a new "bicycle autobahn" system that is planned to cover the country with 100 kilometers ...

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Nairobi Training on the World Climate Exercise

February 2, 2016 by Ellie Johnston

Ellie Johnston, Climate and Energy Lead for Climate Interactive, led the World Climate simulation in Nairobi to initiate our diffusion of ...

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Ten Strategies For Capturing Multiple Benefits in Climate Action Plans

February 1, 2016 by Elizabeth Sawin

Hundreds of cities, states, nations, and businesses made pledges in Paris to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These ten strategies could ...

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The JWH Initiative supports young Multisolvers in developing countries

January 28, 2016 by Shanna Edberg

The Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative aims to foster environmental leadership by giving grants to young people in developing countries in order ...

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We Failed in Flint. Here’s How to Avoid Making the Same Mistakes in Climate Policy.

January 28, 2016 by Elizabeth Sawin

The same four mistakes that led to tragedy in Flint are repeated in other cities and, dangerously, in the realm of global climate policy. ...

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Composting reduces methane emissions while saving water, energy, and money

January 26, 2016 by Shanna Edberg

Composting kitchen scraps and food waste reduces greenhouse gas emissions by emitting significantly lower levels of methane than that same ...

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Youth in Kenya protect forests and preserve community assets

January 19, 2016 by Stephanie McCauley

A group of young people in Kenya, many of whom were previously involved in crime and drug sales, have created the Muiru Youth Reform Group, ...

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Rich Forests restores tropical forests while creating livelihoods

January 14, 2016 by Shanna Edberg

Rich Forests aims to protect existing tropical forests and to restore degraded and deforested land by encouraging trade in non-timber ...

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Healthy Community Food Systems aims for healthy food, healthy climate

January 7, 2016 by Shanna Edberg

Healthy Community Food Systems is a Colorado-based organization whose mission is "To help communities build healthy sustainable food ...

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Take a walk for your health and the health of your community

January 5, 2016 by Shanna Edberg

The benefits of walking are huge for individuals, communities, and the planet. This year's National Walking Summit extolled the benefits of ...

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UN-Habitat helps cities become livable, sustainable, resilient

December 31, 2015 by Shanna Edberg

UN-Habitat is a United Nations program that works to "promote socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements development and ...

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