FLOWERS from Paris

December 7, 2015 by Stephanie McCauley

Multisolvers are in abundance during the UN climate conference, and our FLOWERS from Paris project aims to capture the vision, breadth, and ...

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Playing World Climate: "We Had No Idea It Would Be Such an Emotional Experience"

December 4, 2015 by Shanna Edberg

All photos (c) Julie McCay Turner, 2015

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Multisolving in Paris

December 3, 2015 by Shanna Edberg

Cross-posted from Healthy Community Food Systems director Jim Dyer, who discusses the win-win approach of Multisolving. See also Climate ...

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The Nature of Cities is a hub for urban sustainability

December 3, 2015 by Shanna Edberg

The Nature of Cities is an online platform and community for people "to create green cities that are sustainable, resilient, livable, and ...

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As World Leaders Meet at Paris Climate Summit, Thousands Worldwide are Joining Their Own Climate Negotiations

December 1, 2015 by Shanna Edberg

More than 10,000 people around the globe, in 43 countries from Argentina to Zimbabwe - and more than half in the United States - have ...

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Clean energy in refugee camps lowers CO2 while saving money and improving lives

December 1, 2015 by Shanna Edberg

Bringing more efficient cookstoves and solar lamps to refugee camps would reduce carbon emissions by an estimated 6.85m tonnes of CO2 a ...

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Climate Interactive is in Paris for COP 21

November 28, 2015 by Shanna Edberg

The Climate Interactive team is heading to Paris for the UN climate talks taking place in the next two weeks. Drew Jones, Ellie Johnston, ...

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Recycling co-op improves livelihoods for street waste sorters in Morocco

November 24, 2015 by Stephanie McCauley

In Morocco, an effort that began in 2011 is now employing 150 people to sort waste for recycling. The Attawafoq Cooperative is one of 16 ...

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The Skills and Approaches of Multisolvers: Our Research Agenda at COP-21

November 23, 2015 by Elizabeth Sawin

What is the secret ingredient behind some of the most innovative and promising approaches to climate change, approaches that protect the ...

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Mobilizing Young People Around Paris Climate Talks - #Youth4Climate

November 20, 2015 by Ellie Johnston

It’s been said that today’s youth are the first generation to feel the impacts of climate change and the last that can do something about ...

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MIT’s Dr. Doom Sees Climate Possibilities: “We can do it. But we’ve got to be more aggressive.”

November 19, 2015 by Shanna Edberg

Cross-posted from the MIT Sloan Newsroom:

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Regeneration International promotes carbon sequestration and richer soil

November 19, 2015 by Shanna Edberg

Regeneration International seeks to reduce global warming by promoting regenerative organic agriculture. Regenerative organic agriculture ...

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