The NAACP's Climate Justice Initiative advocates climate justice as a civil rights issue

October 22, 2015 by Shanna Edberg

Noting that “global climate change has a disproportionate impact on communities of color in the United States and around the world”, the ...

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Solar Pumps in India Save Water, Increase Farmers' Income

October 21, 2015 by Shanna Edberg

In Gujarat and elsewhere in India, the Consultative Group for International Agriculture Research's program on climate change, agriculture, ...

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Belgian city closes streets for summer and increases sense of connection

October 16, 2015 by Stephanie McCauley

How would your everyday life change if you turned the street in front of your house into a park, picnic area, and playground? For 10 weeks ...

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NRDC cultivates urban solutions to protect the climate and improve well-being

October 15, 2015 by Shanna Edberg

The National Resource Defense Council’s Urban Solutions strategies and tools help cities answer 21st century challenges by lowering energy ...

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Efficient transportation cuts carbon and reduces poverty

October 14, 2015 by Stephanie McCauley

An article in the New York Times discusses a recent study at Harvard on how reliable, efficient transportation is more influential than ...

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Shorter work week brings better health and more fulfilling daily lives

October 9, 2015 by Stephanie McCauley

There are many articles out there discussing shorter, more flexible work weeks, including a post from the New Economics Foundation that ...

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Nivela integrates environmental and socio-economic goals into development policy

October 8, 2015 by Shanna Edberg

Nivela focuses on inspiring transport solutions, clean urbanization, and renewable energy as an entry point for action on climate change ...

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Restoring coastal habitats provides jobs, resilience, and clean water

October 7, 2015 by Stephanie McCauley

Restoring mangroves, marshes, dunes, reefs, and other coastal habitats can bring many benefits, beyond clean water and coastal protection. ...

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Expo Milano 2015 Shows Off Global Technology for Feeding the Planet Sustainably

September 30, 2015 by Shanna Edberg

Running from May 1 to October 31, 2015, the Expo Milano has Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life as its central theme. 140 countries ...

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In Denmark, buying "less fresh" reduces food waste and saves emissions

September 30, 2015 by Stephanie McCauley

A recent NPR article discusses how consumers in Denmark currently throw away 25 percent less food than they did 5 years ago, an average of ...

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Mixed use neighborhoods boost health, reduce emissions

September 30, 2015 by Stephanie McCauley

Since most suburbs were designed for cars, with wide streets and no sidewalks, residents are missing out on opportunities to add movement ...

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Obama’s solar plan builds assets in communities with federally subsidized housing

September 30, 2015 by Stephanie McCauley

In July, the Obama Administration rolled out a new initiative to install 300MW of solar power in federally subsidized housing communities ...

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