Honoring James Hansen: Supplying the Spine

September 3, 2013 by David Pedigo

“To save the spineless world from itself, supplying the truth isn't enough. You need to supply the spine, too.” – Joe Romm

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World Climate Leaves MIT Students with Important Insights

August 30, 2013 by David Pedigo

For years, Climate Interactive’s World Climate exercise has been used in classrooms and conferences around the world to help students and ...

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John Sterman and the Dalai Lama: Investigating Growth with a Piece of Paper

August 27, 2013 by David Pedigo

Here’s a fun game you can play to get acquainted with systems thinking:

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What is an Elephant? 5 Ways Systems Thinking Helps Action on Climate

August 27, 2013 by Ellie Johnston

Cross-posted from Climate Access.

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Robert Knisely: We Need More System Dynamics in Government

August 22, 2013 by David Pedigo

"Genius has been defined as the ability to come to correct conclusions on insufficient information."-Robert KniselyIn his latest blog entry ...

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Rewards and Lessons From A Day of Systems Thinking with the Dalai Lama Fellows

August 9, 2013 by Elizabeth Sawin

“That’s another way we can ensure that traditional skills are passed on!”

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Innovate Podcast Features Climate Interactive, Impact of Systems Thinking

August 7, 2013 by David Pedigo

“Not only are problems interconnected, but often solutions are interconnected as well.”-Beth SawinIn the latest edition of the ...

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C-ROADS receives System Dynamics Society Award

July 25, 2013 by Ellie Johnston

On Tuesday in Cambridge, MA the Climate Interactive team won an award for the Best "Real World" Application of System Dynamics at the ...

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Gas Alone Not a Bridge to Two Degrees

July 8, 2013 by Ellie Johnston

Think Progress blogger Joe Romm takes Climate Interactive's analysis on the lifetime of fossil fuel infrastructure to build the case that ...

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Adapting to Climate Change While Reducing Emissions: Seven Stories of Synergy

June 24, 2013 by Elizabeth Sawin

With creativity and determination, communities can act and invest in ways that help adapt to  climate change  while also reducing the ...

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Senators Connect the Dots on Climate

June 14, 2013 by Elizabeth Sawin

Fundamental solutions to the damage caused by climate change act at the root cause, reducing CO2 emissions

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We Should Connect Adaptation and Mitigation in New York City and Around the World

June 12, 2013 by Elizabeth Sawin

Solar energy as part of the response to a climate disaster. www.smartplanet.com

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