C-Learn Simulation Puts High-Powered Climate Analysis in Hands of Educators and Students

October 9, 2012 by Stephanie McCauley

Climate policy analysis is accessible to anyone with the online C-Learn simulation. Just plug in your estimates of what kind of emissions ...

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4 Tools for Teaching Engaging Climate & Systems Thinking Classes

October 4, 2012 by Ellie Johnston

Climate Interactive has many tools that can be used in classrooms from middle school to graduate-level for interactive and engaging classes ...

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New Release of C-ROADS Available

September 27, 2012 by Ellie Johnston

The best tool to quickly analyze the long-term effects of different combinations of country and regional climate change mitigation ...

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Plotting the Clean Energy Transition: Grad Students Use En-ROADS for New Insights

September 19, 2012 by Ellie Johnston

Stanford students debating energy policy with En-ROADS

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C-ROADS Article Published in System Dynamics Review

September 12, 2012 by Ellie Johnston

The current edition of the journal System Dynamics Review, features an article by our team here at Climate Interactive on our simulation ...

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New Project: Reducing Disaster Risk and Increasing Resilience of Kenyan Pastoralists

September 6, 2012 by Travis Franck

Climate Interactive is embarking on an exciting new project to understand and improve the long-term resilience of pastoralist communities ...

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Seeing a Bigger Picture in the Great Lakes: Systems Mapping for Powerful Insights

August 30, 2012 by Ellie Johnston

By Beth SawinA team from Climate Interactive recently used systems thinking tools to steer a group of Great Lakes leaders through these ...

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Climate Pathways App: A Climate Model for your Pocket

August 24, 2012 by Ellie Johnston

In taking our tools to new platforms to help people better understand the complexities of climate change, we have released the Climate ...

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Our Three Big Impacts

August 8, 2012 by Stephanie McCauley

By Drew Jones, Beth Sawin, and Stephanie McCauleyWhat has our impact been?Eight people, dozens of partners, five years, and two simulation ...

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World Climate Now in 4 Languages

July 31, 2012 by Ellie Johnston

Credit: officenow/Flickr

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Eileen Claussen on En-ROADS: We Have Our Work Cut Out For Us

July 25, 2012 by Ellie Johnston

Recently Drew Jones was down in Washington DC working with the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) and their Business ...

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Visualize Scenarios to 2 degrees: IEA Releases New Tool

July 10, 2012 by Ellie Johnston

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has just put up a great interactive tool which enables people to explore the different elements of ...

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