To hit the gas or not?: Natural gas and our energy future

February 3, 2012 by Ellie Johnston

Debate over whether to promote natural gas or not has been elevated across the country following President Obama's State of the Union ...

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C-ROADS Update Available – Download version 3.0 today!

February 2, 2012 by Ellie Johnston

Every new release of C-ROADS marks an exciting milestone for the small team here at Climate Interactive that began creating this model ...

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Can a Graph Be a Call to Action?

January 23, 2012 by Elizabeth Sawin

A new article,  2011 Climate Change in Pictures and Data: Just the Facts, shares, in just two pages, seven of the most important graphs on ...

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Cheap Natural Gas Has the Potential to Weaken a Critical Feedback Loop Needed for the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy

January 5, 2012 by Elizabeth Sawin

Early adoption of renewable energy helps jump start the transition to a low-carbon economy via a reinforcing feedback loop. Anything that ...

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What we do and why are we doing it: a radio interview with Climate Interactive

January 4, 2012 by Ellie Johnston

What is it that keeps an organization like Climate Interactive ticking? Co-directors Drew Jones and Beth Sawin, along with team member and ...

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The Climate Momentum Simulation

January 1, 2012 by Caroline Reed

The Climate Momentum Simulation is a widget to explore different scenarios of climate action. It runs in Flash and will only appear below ...

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Transparent, Real-Time Analysis Works

December 20, 2011 by Elizabeth Sawin

Climate Interactive is a small team with big goals.

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Durban Talks Open the Door to a Future Global Legal Agreement, But Produce No Immediate Strengthening of Pledges

December 11, 2011 by Elizabeth Sawin

With the close of COP-17, parties to the UNFCCC maintained the same inadequate emissions reduction pledges, thus committing the world to a ...

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To Avoid Expensive and Disruptive Rates of Emissions Reduction In Coming Decades Parties Must Increase the Ambition of 2020 Pledges Today

December 1, 2011 by Elizabeth Sawin

To see a reposting on Joe Romm's Climate Progress blog, click here. And a corroborating report by ClimateWorks Foundation here plus another ...

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Climate Interactive in Durban at COP17

November 28, 2011 by Travis Franck

Climate Interactive is attending the UNFCCC's seventeenth Conference of the Parties (COP17). Travis Franck will be meeting with negotiators ...

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There Doesn't Have to be an Emissions Gap

November 28, 2011 by Elizabeth Sawin

Following on last year's Emissions Gap report which was influential in the Cancun COP-16 climate negotiations, Climate Interactive ...

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Insurance risk industry takes notice of C-ROADS

November 22, 2011 by Ellie Johnston

The actuarial profession is full of models of risk and assessments of associated costs, but as Nico Aspinall explains in her piece ...

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