Sterman in the Boston Globe: Preventive care to the utility grid saves dollars and lives

November 16, 2011 by Ellie Johnston

Coming on the heels of an announcement that a forthcoming IPCC report confirms that climate change is causing more extreme weather events, ...

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ClimateWire Covers Sterman and Importance of Discovery in Climate Breakthroughs

November 3, 2011 by Ellie Johnston

John Sterman of MIT Sloan, a Climate Interactive consortium member, continues to make headlines with his latest research on communicating ...

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MIT Sloan's Sterman Breaks Through the Climate Communications Challenge

October 27, 2011 by Ellie Johnston

We're excited that MIT News is covering a new paper by our Climate Interactive consortium member John Sterman of MIT Sloan. Simulations can ...

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Beth Sawin On Hurricane Irene from Vermont Bioneers: The Big Four Lessons

October 17, 2011 by Elizabeth Sawin

At the end of August, Vermont was hit by catastrophic flooding as result of Hurricane Irene, which dumped six inches of rain on already ...

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Dickinson College COP17 delegation World Climate experiences

October 13, 2011 by Ellie Johnston

Nine weeks away from their attendance at the COP 17 Climate Change Negotiations in Durban, South Africa, students of Dickinson College's ...

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Tropical Storm Irene Hits Close to Home

August 31, 2011 by Elizabeth Sawin

Climate Interactive Co-Director Beth Sawin (who is coping with life in newly flooded Vermont – she and family are okay BTW) posted a timely ...

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Powerful C-ROADS Graphs From New ClimateWorks Report

July 21, 2011 by Stephanie McCauley

Click here to view the full report.

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Reducing Energy Demand: It's Not Only About Technology And It Doesn't Always Require Experts

July 19, 2011 by Elizabeth Sawin

In transforming our world to reduce greenhouse gas emissions there's room for the creativity of all of us.In our simulation modeling of the ...

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Australia's Gillard Is Right on Climate Dynamics: "Nothing Hard Ever Gets Easier By Waiting"

July 18, 2011 by Elizabeth Sawin

"I've learned in my life that nothing hard ever gets easier by waiting."That was Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, addressing the ...

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The Costs of Delay: A Powerful New Report Incorporating C-ROADS Scenarios

July 15, 2011 by Elizabeth Sawin

Our partners at the ClimateWorks Foundation have just published an excellent new report: The Costs of Delay.The message of the report is ...

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Three Reasons To Keep on Working on Climate Education and Energy Policy

July 14, 2011 by Elizabeth Sawin

"Wow.  I just want to cry.  Please tell me we are making a difference."’Those were the words of a colleague today after she watched a  ...

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The Importance of the Next Five and 10 Years – Climate Simulations Convey What the Author of the Widely Known Stern Report Considers the ‘Great Challenge’ of Climate Communication

July 6, 2011 by Elizabeth Sawin

Nicholas Stern, when asked in a recent interview by the MIT Technology Review, about the sense of urgency he was trying to convey in the ...

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