MIT Sloan's Prof. John Sterman Featured in Huffington Post

October 12, 2010 by Andrew P. Jones

Good interview with David Schmittlein, the Dean of the MIT Sloan School of Management, by Rahim Kanani, including his description of the ...

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Greenopolis Post: Workshop on Learning How to Cut Waste CO2

September 15, 2010 by Stephanie McCauley

Today we have guest post by Joe Laur of Greenopolis, who discusses understanding the carbon system.

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C-ROADS and Climate/Energy Leadership Workshop to be Held at MIT

September 9, 2010 by Stephanie McCauley

Leaders for a New Climate: Systems Thinking and the C-ROADS Simulation

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From Uplifting to Sobering: Perspectives From Dr. Beth Sawin on the UNFCCC session in Bonn

August 4, 2010 by Elizabeth Sawin

A few quick thoughts and reactions as I prepare to leave Bonn tomorrow after a few days working with a group of scientists assessing the ...

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Announcing the Spinoff of Climate Interactive

August 2, 2010 by Andrew P. Jones

After a year of rising impact for the Climate Interactive (CI) program of Sustainability Institute, the board of SI and the staff of CI are ...

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C-ROADS Version 2.0 -- Thinking about drivers of emissions scenarios post 2020

July 21, 2010 by Andrew P. Jones

A new simulation from the C-ROADS team is coming!

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Tom Fiddaman on Open Source Climate Simulations and C-ROADS

July 20, 2010 by Stephanie McCauley

Today we have guest post by Tom Fiddaman of our Climate Interactive team. The original is here.

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Honoring Dr. Stephen Schneider and Acknowledging His Guidance

July 19, 2010 by Andrew P. Jones

We were saddened to hear of the death of a great scientist and sustainability leader, Dr. Stephen Schneider.

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Lead a Company Towards a Climate Solution in New Sim

July 16, 2010 by Stephanie McCauley

We are excited to share an exciting new climate learning tool: CEO2 - The Climate Business Game.Allianz and WWF have teamed up to create ...

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Announcing Public Workshop -- Leaders for a New Climate: Systems Thinking and the C-ROADS Simulation

July 12, 2010 by Stephanie McCauley

Oct 19-21, 2010, Boston Mass. USA

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UK's Guardian Covers Climate Scoreboard

July 6, 2010 by Stephanie McCauley

Today, UK's Guardian news covered the Climate Interactive Scoreboard, including a quote from our very own, Andrew Jones! Check out the ...

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Watch C-ROADS in Action: New How-To Intro Video Released

June 24, 2010 by Stephanie McCauley

Video #1 - Getting Started from Climate Interactive on Vimeo.Check out the new C-ROADS "Getting Started" video created by Dr. Phil Rice. ...

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