Texas MBA students participate in World Climate

By Stephanie McCauley
March 11, 2011

On November of 2010, Professors David Ford and Rogelio Oliva of Texas A&M University facilitated the World Climate UN negotiations exercise for the 2012 MBA Class of the Mays Business School. The exercise, supported by the C-ROADS simulation, was part of the “Enrichment Week” that the MBA program offers to allow students to explore areas not traditionally covered in the MBA curriculum.

The C-ROADS simulation proved to be an effective primer to open up the conversations on the role of policy makes and business leaders in addressing he carbon emissions challenge.

These are some testimonials form the participants:

“Thoroughly enjoyed the simulation. The results were very powerful. It energized me to realize that we have to act now and that simply stabilizing carbon emissions isn’t enough, we have to eliminate them completely.”

“The C-ROADS simulation showed in visual and dramatic fashion the magnitude of change required globally in order to achieve sustainable levels of carbon emissions. Conducting the simulation in large groups further demonstrated the challenges and frustrations of gaining consensus on this complex issue where people differ in their understanding and interpretation of the data. … I enjoyed the exercise and appreciated having sustainability discussed in my MBA program.”

“This workshop truly places you in the reality of the scenario predicted by Limits to Growth forty years ago. It was an amazing experience and really helped broaden the scope of understanding the absolute reality and challenge of global climate change.”

“The differences of opinion between the groups representing developing and developed nations were also striking, and this was merely a bunch of MBA students sitting around the lunch table and pretending to represent nations. The actual compromises that need to be reached at the international level will be much more difficult and painful. This is not a time for the various factions to attempt to assign blame to one another. It is a time for action, but it is apparent that the necessary sacrifices will not be easily swallowed by world leaders or the people that they represent. I think the final and most personal take away from this exercise is the opportunity that this international crisis represents for my generation.”