South and Latin American Leaders Engage in Climate Policy Exercise

August 7, 2009 by Stephanie McCauley

Today's guest blogger is our longtime friend and colleague, the system dynamics modeler and facilitator Chris Soderquist of Pontifex ...

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Carrying Our Trash and Simulating Our Climate

July 23, 2009 by Andrew P. Jones

Why does our team focus on using simulations to spark action on climate change?

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Talking Climate at Tällberg Forum

June 29, 2009 by Stephanie McCauley

As our Climate Policy Exercise makes its way around the world, we have another guest blogger, long time colleague and partner Alan ...

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Copenhagen Climate Exercise in Albuquerque

June 23, 2009 by Stephanie McCauley

Today we have a guest blogger, long time colleague, the system dynamicist and systems thinker Kris Wile of Systems Thinking Collaborative.

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New Slides Tell Our "Open Source" Climate Sim Story!

June 22, 2009 by Stephanie McCauley

Click here or on the image to the left to view a slide show detailing our Climate Interactive efforts and how you can partner with us to ...

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C-ROADS Covered in Major German Press

June 16, 2009 by Stephanie McCauley

Sorry to the non-German-reading folks, but thought we'd share how the simulation is getting picked up in Europe. Thanks to colleague ...

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Innovative Partnership Launches Freeware Online Climate Simulation

May 26, 2009 by Andrew P. Jones

A new partnership of companies and NGOs committed to open source climate simulations has launched a freeware climate decision support tool.

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Running "Mock-UN" Climate Negotiations in Croatia from a Desk in the USA

April 29, 2009 by Andrew P. Jones

As I write, 40 Croatian electrical utility executives and youth leaders are playing the roles of global UN delegates and proposing ...

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Bonn - Are Developing Countries Asking For the Wrong Thing?

April 15, 2009 by Andrew P. Jones

Today's post comes from Climate Interactive partner and lead modeler on the C-ROADS simulation, Tom Fiddaman of Ventana Systems. It was ...

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Developed World Strikes a Climate Deal with Developing World (in a sim at least)

April 9, 2009 by Andrew P. Jones

For the first time in our ~20 runnings of the simulation-based "Mock-UN" role-playing exercise, The Copenhagen Climate Exercise (now World ...

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Open Access Climate Models to Help Democratize Climate Change Policy

April 6, 2009 by Elizabeth Sawin

Thanks to Google Earth, citizen leaders around the world have access to satellite images of their local watersheds and forests. And ...

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C-ROADS Used By US Deputy Special Envoy for Climate Change to Show "Additional Actions" Needed

April 3, 2009 by Elizabeth Sawin

C-ROADS continues to be used to  communicate the the need for additional measures to address climate change, beyond those already being ...

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