Waxman-Markey Targets Would Ensure a US Contribution to Meeting Climate Goals

April 1, 2009 by Elizabeth Sawin

The climate bill put forward this week by Waxman and Markey lays out targets that are ambitious enough to make a significant contribution ...

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C-ROADS look at Waxman-Markey

March 31, 2009 by Elizabeth Sawin

With the release of the discussion draft of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 colleagues have been asking an obvious ...

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Jacqueline McGlade of EEA Quotes Sim Results in UK Sunday Herald

March 30, 2009 by Andrew P. Jones

Like Senator John Kerry in the US, Jacqueline McGlade (shown to the left in the field in Greenland), the executive director of the European ...

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"We Want To Do Whatever We Can"

March 29, 2009 by Elizabeth Sawin

If the governments of the largest GHG emitting nations  had the vision and the mandate of the low-lying Indian Ocean nation, The Maldives, ...

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Only The Most Ambitious Emissions Reductions Under Discussion Within the UNFCCC Come Close To Achieving Climate Goals

March 27, 2009 by Andrew P. Jones

The diplomats at this week's UNFCCC meeting in Bonn will need to aim towards the most ambitious proposals offered so far within the UNFCCC ...

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Sterman and Corell Share C-ROADS Results and Slides

March 18, 2009 by Andrew P. Jones

Dr. John Sterman of MIT and Dr. Bob Corell of the Heinz Center presented the C-ROADS simulator and its latest findings on the state of the ...

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Climate Wire Covers "Lightning-Quick" C-ROADS Simulation

March 16, 2009 by Andrew P. Jones

Lauren Morello, reporter for Climate Wire, covered C-ROADS this morning!

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Senator John Kerry to Introduce C-ROADS Briefing in Washington

March 13, 2009 by Stephanie McCauley

Our partners John Sterman from MIT and Bob Corell from the Heinz Center are presenting C-ROADS and its latest findings this Wednesday ...

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Risk of Ruin

March 12, 2009 by Elizabeth Sawin

One of the more interesting talks  at the Climate Congress this week came a presentation by Nick Silver and Oliver Betts, professionals ...

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We Aren't On Track But We Could Be: CAI Presentation in Copenhagen

March 12, 2009 by Elizabeth Sawin

In a session on "Enabling Long Term Climate Policy" at the IARU Climate Conference in Copenhagen yesterday, I presented on behalf of the ...

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C-ROADS goes to Copenhagen

March 10, 2009 by Elizabeth Sawin

Hello from Copenhagen, where I've arrived (along with 2,000 other  climate scientists) at the Climate Change, Global Risks, Challenges, & ...

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Minister Hedegaard's Challenge to C-ROADS

March 10, 2009 by Elizabeth Sawin

OK - she wasn't speaking to the C-ROADS team alone but to all of the assembled scientists:"You scientists have to tell the politicians what ...

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